
Happy Deepavali everyone!!😀

Synopsis :

1) Introduction

2)Event of the day

3) Characters



6) Devices used

1) Introduction

The festival of Deepavali is widely celebrated throughout India. The name of the festival is made of two words- Deep and avali which together means a line of lamps.

2)Event of the day

Why speak about Deepavali suddenly? Because my inbox is filled with messages regarding the origin, speciality, reason blah blah blah😐

3) Characters:

  • Lord Krishna
  • Sathyabama- The Lord’s wife
  • Narakasura- an asura who torments everyone- both celestial and mortal. He is the son of the Earth.


Narakasura is an asura who torments all the celestial Devas by stealing their weapons and other such things. At one stage, unable to bear his tortures, all the Devas complain to Lord Krishna. He goes into battle with him. But, it is not easy to defeat him owing to a boon he has- he can be killed only by his own mother. So, the Lord takes his wife, Sathyabama who is a manifestation of the Earth. When Lord Krishna is wounded, Sathyabama gets agitated and kills the asura. The day of victory is celebrated as Deepavali.


There are two morals:

  • The good always triumphs
  • If a person causes harm to the society, he has to be removed at any cost, even in the hands of his own mother.

6) Critical analysis:

The story is a myth as it contains all elements of a myth.

It also contains the various features of a folklore

It is a fable as it conveys a message/moral.




P.S Being a literature student for a long period of time has actually confused me into writing an essay like this😜😜. Just wrote this essay in this way to show that being a literature student is not too easy😋😋😋

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