Women- the scales of balance throughout the ages!

Book taken- Paalangal [Bridges]

Author- Sivasankari

The book traces the life of three different women living in three different eras- In the 1910s, 1940s and 1960s. The British rule and the development of science has had a deep effect on the mindset of all these three women- Sivagamu, Mythily and Charu. Though their perception of family and tradition is very different from one other, their respective roles in the family remains the same- bridging between their in laws/parents and children.

As technology develops, the familial ties are lost and there is a decline in the value of relationships- This is the motif of the novel. In the name of feminism, even the necessary restrictions are applied, leading to unnecessary complications.

Though the more recent authors have tried to bring out the real essence of feminism, I feel Sivasankari has handled its aspects well. Feminism is more inclined towards bringing out the strength of women rather than comparing them with men.

This novel is a must read for all those who consider feminism as their ideology

P.S. I only write reviews on novels which I really like. That is why I have not included any kind of ratings in my page!

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