Love beyond limits!

Hello everyone!

I regret to inform you all that my dear most grandfather Mr. V. Janardhanan of whom I spoke about in my post  

passed away on 16.02.2019. He loved me unconditionally and taught me various things in life. He made sure to love but he also taught me denial, to make me understand the practical life! The loss was devastating that I could not bring up myself to write last week!

As I said earlier in my posts, I request my young readers to spend more time with the old people. One day, when you look back into your life, they would have given you nothing but wonderful memories to cherish! Now we may feel like we don’t have enough time to spend with them..In the future, we may wish to spend time with them, but they may not have time left to spend with us!

I feel really content that I spent all the time I could with my grand father 🙏 I used to read him books and share all my problems with him! Not like he would have the solutions all the time. But, telling him could solve half of the problems! He was a highly positive person who could find a
solution to every problem in the world!

He was the ideal father which every daughter could wish for.. His love for my mother was beyond limits. My mother, being the only daughter, was the apple of his eye. Just like me, she too was pampered but not spoiled…

He helped all his relatives to a great extent, both physically and financially though he was not financially sound himself. There are some instances when he paid through his nose, but he never whined or complained. He felt it was his duty to help his relatives!

Even when I was with them, my grandparents never complained. They always said that they were blessed with the opportunity of bringing up their grand daughter! He got me all things he couldn’t get for his daughter owing to their financial crisis back then!

My grand mother too was beside him for all his endeavors! She never complained that her salary was spent for his sisters or nephews or nieces! She was the mythical character Savithri come to life. They were married for 52 long years! They were the ideal couple who were together despite all the differences!

I can keep talking about him for hours together! I owe what I am today to him! Love you thatha! Let your soul rest in peace!

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