Karma- a slow cooker recipe and not cuppa mania!

Welcome back everyone!

Hope you all gave last week’s blog a thought!

If you had missed it, use this link- https://randomthoughts725641202.wordpress.com/2019/04/02/men-and-mosquitoes/

This week, I would like to speak about the after effects of “karma” !

DISCLAIMER: This week’s post is not a reference to anyone or any event in particular, especially not the recent events in and around TN!

“Karma” has now become a famous concept around the world. People are getting engrossed in the concept that everyone will reap what they sow. The word karma, which has been existing in the Indian mythology for so long was brought into limelight, thanks to social media!

But, the problem is, people expect Karma to be delivered like a Swiggy/ Uber order- hot and immediate.

But God is no Swiggy delivery boy you see!!!!

He takes his own time for deliverance and we ought to be patient enough to wait for his judgement!

I know this is a very religious concept, but still my love for food had made me describe it this way!! I got to see some recipes like that and I can never ever wait for so long for food!!!

But, back to Karma, I think it may be the influence of watching too many Tamil movies😜😜😜 where the villains change immediately and the police too comes “immediately” to arrest the villain!

If we expect the same in real life, then, I am sorry, I think you need to shift to some other planet!

We do seek justice for ourselves…But,do you we really seek justice for others?

All the protests and Whats App shares in the recent days show that people are not genuinely interested in other people’s problems! All they do is share whatever is viral for that day!

How many of us do remember all the events which happened in our own locality?

We conveniently forget, making it easy for our politicians!

Till we stop losing our heads in the “recent, hot selling news”, we ll never ever become a good democracy! No point in blaming anyone then!

P.S: With the elections round the corner, I request you all to use your votes wisely!

5 thoughts on “Karma- a slow cooker recipe and not cuppa mania!

  1. Pingback: Self-reliance! – The Random thoughts of an Indian Girl

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